Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Alkalize Your Body – Detailed Alkaline Food List

Absolutely, our eating regimen needs to be changed keeping in mind the end goal to have an adjusted vitamin-to-mineral status. Being mindful of the unpleasant times we live in, and the way that today foods grown from the ground are not developed as they were 40 years back, a significant number of us try for dietary supplements.

In the event that one is supplementing with vitamins and minerals, it is essential to realize that it is best to take vitamins in the morning on the grounds that they give imperativeness, and minerals at night in light of the fact that they can quiet us.
It is hard to cover only five soluble nourishments, on the grounds that I can list no less than 50, however here are the main five:

– Buckwheat -This is an astounding substitution for wheat.. It contains rutin which supplies vitality, and is profitable in the treatment and avoidance of cardiovascular infections, useful for the individuals who wound effortlessly, furthermore for ladies who have broken vessels. It is a phenomenal decision for each supper for the duration of the day.
– Swiss chard, cabbage, sauerkraut – These nourishments are regularly specified in the books from the Nutrition of the 21st Century arrangement, paying little mind to whether they are in light of male or female wellbeing.

They have against viral, hostile to bacterial and hostile to cancer-causing properties. A considerable lot of us would discard the water when cooking these sorts of vegetables, for the most part on the grounds that the odor is not extremely charming, but rather next time doesn’t discard this water. Use it for making sauces, or even better than what was already great, drink it!

– Melon – Melon is an incredible wellspring of vitamin A (beta-carotene) , B1, B5, B6, C, E, potassium, vegetable fiber, and folic corrosive. This blend of supplements issues its energy to empower us. Melon is a fabulous anticoagulant that diminishes the blood, and decreases the danger of heart assault and stroke, which are lamentably on the ascent.

– Flax seed and flaxseed oil – These are one of my most loved sustenance to utilize. They are rich in lignans, which help to counteract bosom, uterine, and prostate tumor. Their high substance of vital omega-3 unsaturated fats makes them perfect for any detox program. They are likewise a perfect solution for stoppage, and can help decrease cholesterol and control glucose. I for one take flax seeds as a component of my breakfast. They can likewise effectively be added to smoothies.

Eat these foods if you want to alkalize your body:
Brussels sprouts
Cabbage, sauerkraut
Oriental mushrooms such as shitake and maitake
Mushrooms such as chanterelle and button mushrooms
Seaweeds such as nori, kombu, wakame
Flax and flax seed oil
Soy and soy products
Soybean sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts
Green beans
Lemon and lime
Olives and olive oil
Green peas
Wild rice
PumpkinSesame seeds and tahini (sesame seed paste).

How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy With the Japanese Morning Banana Diet

Eat a banana every morning and lose up to 10 pounds within a week, and what is best, the morning banana diet regimen does not require any special effort nor some specific changes in your dietary habits. This is why this diet became so popular after Hitoshi Watanabe first presented it in his book “The morning banana diet.”
It is pretty simple: In the morning you should eat bananas only and drink water at room temperature. You can eat anything throughout the day. Is it really that simple?

After a great number of unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, Watanabe decided to write down his experience with all the diet regimens he had tried previously, including the scientific knowledge of his wife Sumiko, a pharmaceutist, which she gained during the research in the field of preventive medicine

Together they created a method, the Morning Banana Diet, and gained popularity in individuals who do not really like sweating at the gym. Obese people are usually advised to workout in order to burn more calories, but Watanabe helped them avoid this morning torture and recommended a simple solution: eating a fresh banana and drinking a glass of water in the morning, and of course, you should not eat anything until your lunch.

Bananas are loaded with resistant starch which actively stimulates the weight loss process.
Of course, not all types of starch have equal effect. Starch is divided into digestible and resistant starch. Resistant starch does not dissolve in the small intestine, but goes straight in the large intestine where the fermentation process begins. Bacteria turn resistant starch into short-chain fatty acids that feed cells and contribute to a healthier gastrointestinal tract.

How many bananas should you eat for breakfast?
There is no strict rule you should follow, just eat enough bananas that will keep you full. Japanese have the rule of 80/20, because they believe that people should never overload their stomach with food.
Eight parts of a full stomach go for the individual, and two parts go for the doctor. This is why most people eat just 80% of what they are served and leave the remaining 20% of their food back.
Always drink a glass of warm water in the morning to stimulate your metabolism. Wait for an hour and eat a banana. If you are still hungry after 20 minutes, eat another banana. Be careful, you should always eat raw bananas.
In his book, Watanabe explains that you should not consume milk and alcohol during the diet regimen, and your last meal should be at 8pm. Go to bed by midnight, because scientists believe that going late to bed is associated with obesity.
You can eat anything for lunch and dinner, and if you feel hungry between your meals, eat some fruit.

What makes the banana diet so special?
– It is super-healthy
– Bananas are rich in fiber, potassium and boost energy
– Bananas are cheap, so you do not have to spend a small fortune on super-expensive products
– Regular breakfast boosts metabolism and keeps you from overeating during the day
– If you do not drink coffee in the morning you will easily regulate blood glucose and your appetite
– A glass of water at room temperature boosts metabolism
– Avoid eating after 8pm and reduce the late night craving and regulate your weight
– Reduces the alcohol intake
Banana diet is also a great way to get rid of cellulite.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Only 4 Exercises You’ll Ever Need To Keep Your Body Fit!

Everybody knows how activity is the best way to keep our body fit as a fiddle. There are some fantastic activities that are anything but difficult to do and can help you stay fit as a fiddle.

hese exercises will stretch you a full body conditioning and quality session in simply a couple of minutes. Everybody have insane and tumultuous calendars, and we don’t generally have sufficient energy to hit the exercise center. These activities will likewise support your inclination and your vitality. Humans exercise to stay fit and to get thinner. So these activities will unquestionably offer assistance.

Chair Dips:
Sit on the edge of a tough seat with your legs together and you knees bowed with your feet level on the ground. Put your hands around 6 inches separated and hold the edges of the seat. Then slide your butt off the front of the seat so the abdominal area is straight down. Keep the abs sucked in and the head focused between the shoulders. Twist the elbows and bring down your body in a straight line. A push back up at the point when the arms are parallel to the floor.
Begin at the push-up position with your hands specifically underneath the shoulders and your lined body. Twist your elbows on side and bring down the body with the goal that it is just about touching the floor. Have your abs fitted and put the body in a straight line.

Keep your hip width apart and feet parallel. Low your body in squatting with bended knees. Make sure your knees are behind the toes. Stop once your knees are at 90 degrees.

Get into a push-up position and put your weight on the balls of the feet and hands, wrists right under the shoulders, straight arms, and have your body in a straight line. Be in this position as much as you can..

Clean Your Home Of Cockroaches With Cucumber

Did you know that cockroaches are one of the oldest animals that inhabited the Earth, together with dinosaurs.

Precisely, these insects have managed to adapt to adverse conditions to such an extent that their expulsion can not be an easy task.

For this reason, we suggest you try a natural remedy for the protection of the home of cockroaches using a cucumber.

Here’s how:

Take a cucumber, cut it to pieces, to be put in the corners where you noticed the movement of cockroaches. This will keep the pests away, or rather the smell of this natural product will serve as a “barrier” which divides the favor environment for the health of the human body from the one that stimulate growth of harmful microbes.

PLASTIC – THE SILENT KILLER Check What Is Written At The Bottom Of The Plastic Packaging

We are all aware that unhealthy food should be avoided. Most of us pay attention to what kind of water we drink and what kind of food we consume. Two liters water per day and healthy food have become a principle of most nutrition. We tend to avoid salty, fatty and sugary food and tend to consume plenty of fruits & vegetables and bottled water. However, most of us don’t know what hides in the plastic containers. The truth is that the aim of manufacturers of food and drink products is to have higher earnings with their products instead of provide us with healthy food and drinks. That is why you need to check what is written on the bottom of each plastic package which indicates just how dangerous plastic is .

Most of us are buying bottled water on daily basis. We carry plastic bottles of water with us while we travel, go to work and even give bottle of water to the children for kindergarten and school. Sadly, consuming water from plastic bottles damages our health. The triangle with number in the middle at the bottom of each package indicates how dangerous the plastic actually is.

List of the things written on the plastic containers along with their properties:

  1. HDP( sometimes HDPE)
This plastic is considered to be a good plastic because it has least probability for emissions of chemicals into the water (doesn’t release chemicals). It is mainly used for making plastic bags for groceries, not for making plastic bottles.
  1. PS
This is a plastic which emits STYRENE into the water, a carcinogenic substance. It is used for fast food packaging and production of coffee cups for single use.
  1. PET( often PETE)
These bottles can emit carcinogenic compounds. Additionally, it is possible to emit heavy metals antimony and EPA chemical substance. This substance interferes with the hormone function.
  1. PC ( or no label)
This plastic emits the chemical BPA and it is definitely the worst one. It is used for production of sports bottles, containers for food storage and sadly, for production of bottles for infants.
  1. PVC(sometimes 3V)
This type of plastic emits two toxic chemicals. Both of them interfere with the function of hormones in our bodies. Unfortunately, it is the most wide-spread plastic used for bottles.
  1. PP
This is another “good” plastic. It is usually with translucent or white color. What this plastic is used for is the production of yoghurt containers and bottles in which syrups are packed.
To sum up, the plastics which are safe(don’t emit chemicals into the water) are the first one and the last one, meaning HDPE and PP. Reconsider the use of the other ones, or keep water in glass bottles which is the best solution.


We are all aware that unhealthy food should be avoided. Most of us pay attention to what kind of water we drink and what kind of food we consume. Two liters water per day and healthy food have become a principle of most nutrition. We tend to avoid salty, fatty and sugary food and tend to consume plenty of fruits & vegetables and bottled water. However, most of us don’t know what hides in the plastic containers. The truth is that the aim of manufacturers of food and drink products is to have higher earnings with their products instead of provide us with healthy food and drinks. That is why you need to check what is written on the bottom of each plastic package which indicates just how dangerous plastic is - See more at:
