Monday, May 11, 2015

Slimmer Just in 3 Weeks: Perhaps There Are 15 kg of Toxins Hidden in Your Bowels. It’s About Time You Cleansed Them

Did you know that your intestines hold a lot of toxic food wastes that did not manage to get out? It is assumed that the number can get up to 30 pounds. For a period of 70 years, about 100 tons of food and 40.000 liters of liquids go through your body so the amount of toxins should not be surprising.

There are many symptoms that show that your intestines need to be cleaned:
    • frequent constipation
    • damaged metabolism
    • diabetes
    • being overweight or underweight
    • kidneys’ and liver diseases
    • hearing and sight diseases or problems
    • your hair, skin and nails are in bad state
    • Arthritis, cancer and other diseases
So, in order to protect your body and clean in from fecal material and other parasites you need to clean them, and the best way is the natural way. Consuming flax seed with kefir in the morning for 3 weeks in a row will completely clean your intestines of the toxins accumulated and therefore improve digestion and overall body functioning.
Just follow these steps:
  • 1st week: 1 tablespoon of flax seed flour mixed with 100 ml kefir
  • 2nd week: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour mixed with 100 ml kefir
  • 3rd week: 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour mixed with 150 ml kefir

Did you know that your intestines hold a lot of toxic food wastes that did not manage to get out? It is assumed that the number can get up to 30 pounds. For a period of 70 years, about 100 tons of food and 40.000 liters of liquids go through your body so the amount of toxins should not be surprising. - See more at:

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